Friday, September 16, 2011

3 Favorite Poems

My three favorite poems that we have read so far in this class, in no particular order, are as follows:

"It is not the fact that I will die that I mind" by Jim Moore
"Dust" by Dorianne Laux
"Crying Man" by Charles Douthat

I really enjoyed the first poem by Jim Moore. The first line of the poem lead me to believe that it was going to be philosophical or something, but as I read on, it describes a variety of things that are dear to the author. Oak trees, his family, his dog all are described in unique imagery. And it comes together at the end with the theme of the poem, that he is troubled because when he dies, no one will have known what it is to love them the way he did.

The second poem by Dorianne Laux is just sort of interesting. She was so tired that she isn't able to remember what exactly happened when someone spoke to her, spoke the truth. Instead of a sharp taste, it's only a fine powder in her memory. I don't really have much of an explanation to why I like this poem. I just do.

The third poem is definitely the saddest of the three, but the most intriguing. I enjoy soft imagery and descriptions in poems, but I really prefer a poem like this one. The author presents a theme that I think is designed to make us guilty. There is someone in need of real help, and the author himself, and everyone around him fails to do anything about it. I really liked this poem, more of a story.

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