Friday, October 14, 2011


I have been pretty challenged so far in my reading for Etymology, just because sometimes I struggle to find time to read 100 pages a week. As a result, it's pretty important that I read something that catches my attention and is fairly easy to get through, just so it doesn't feel like another homework assignment that I should just get done with, and not worry about anymore. I try to pick books that aren't all that challenging to read, but at the same time, I don't like books that don't give me any sense of accomplishment. I like the feeling I get when I have learned something from a book, or when it made me think of something in a new way, instead of just feeling like I read a meaningless story. I find myself reading for this class most often between about 8 and 11 pm, about 2 or 3 times a week. It works pretty well for me. For the rest of the semester, I would like to pick books that have some sort of literary significance, just so that if they ever came up in conversation, or even on a test, I wouldn't be in the dark about them.

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