Friday, October 21, 2011


Week 1 Q2

The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom
Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut
Pages this week: 101
Pages last week: 109
Pages this semester: 987

1) It is written like an infuriated tirade, with no hint of class. (A Scrap of Parchment)
2)Up Your Score on the other hand, speaks with a mixture of intricate words and slang pop-culture references that are very punctuated, straightforward at times, but somewhat suggestive, and often light. (Contemplations) 
3) Ron McLarthy's novel "the Memory of Running" is common and lacking picturesque, very bland and basic. (Case 1)
4) On the other hand, in the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, a more blunt and vulgar form of diction is used. (bill963)
5) This book takes place in the 1800's so naturally the diction and language is more formal and musical. (UNDERWATER)


1. I really like this comparison. I'm not completely sure what's meant by an "infuriated trade," but it sort of makes sense.
2. The contrast explained in this sentence caught my attention. Intricate mix of words, but still a straightforward and light tone.
3. I think the way it's described as "lacking a picturesque nature" was innovative.
4. I can relate, I think this book is described well, seeing as I've also read it. I would agree.
5. I found it interesting that this blog related the sound of the language to the setting of the novel. I guess we don't talk or write as elegantly or as musically as people did in the 1800's.

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