Thursday, November 10, 2011

In The Mood For a Murder Mystery

The next book I have chosen to read is Cards on the Table by Agatha Christie. I read one of her books in middle school, And Then There Were None, and I remember really liking it. That forced me to read Murder on The Orient Express, because I was told that it was one of her best books. I really liked both of them, at least I think I did, I can't exactly remember what I thought when I was reading them. I know I read them both rather quickly. Anyways, I'm a few pages into Card on The Table. Christie says right up front that in this murder mystery there isn't as much of an element of surprise as in her other novels, because there are only 4 suspects. The book centers around the game of bridge, which I have always wanted to learn how to play, but have never had the time or the drive to do so. But I do know that in bridge, 4 people play, and you have a partner. I'm interested to see what happens, and how Agatha Christie will still incorporate suspense into the story with this limitation of the surprise element due to the characters.

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